Voices from the Granite Industry
Aberdeen Art Gallery exhibition highlights experiences of workers in the North East’s granite industry
Aberdeen Art Gallery is hosting a six month exhibition, starting tomorrow, on Aberdeen’s granite industry.
The exhibition makes use of granite industry artefacts from Aberdeen City’s collections including some of the machinery and tools used to process granite. A short film captures personal reflections on what it was like to work in the granite industry in the late twentieth century.
Aberdeen’s architecture testifies to the importance of granite. In addition to history of the industry, this exhibition delivers a human insight; an intangible heritage that points to the hard work that it took to create beautiful architecture and monumental work from this most unforgiving but immensely durable stone; a culmination of oral history recording carried out by the Trust since 2021. The project has been financially supported by Historic Environment Scotland.
Image (Rubislaw Quarry): BGS © UKRI Image Ref: P538600. Available: http://geoscenic.bgs.ac.uk/asset-bank/action/viewHome