Grant Application Window Open

Aberdeen City Heritage Trust is accepting applications for external repair grants for the City Centre’s granite heritage

Funds can be applied for from Aberdeen City Heritage Trust towards the cost of a range of external repairs for the period to March 2026.

Trust focus is on traditionally constructed property in the Aberdeen City Centre Conservation Area (not covered by Union Street CARS) and the Crown Street/ Bon Accord Conservation Area. Substantive repair of external fabric like roofs, building walls and traditional window joinery are typical of the types of work the Trust has supported in the past. Small repairs, running maintenance and retrospective applications are not eligible.

Fuller details of Trust Grants and what can be applied for, can be found at the Trust’s website or by contacting the Trust by e-mailing

Aberdeen City Heritage Trust has run discretionary building repair grants since 2005 and assisted with the repair of over 265 properties across Aberdeen City. These have supported owners carry out repairs that can be more costly for traditional buildings.

Funding for the Trust scheme comes from Historic Environment Scotland.