Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2022
Aberdeen City Heritage Trust’s annual built heritage, five-lecture series has been launched.
Wednesday evening 9th February at 7pm sees the launch of this year’s virtual 5 lecture run of Aberdeen Heritage Lectures.
The Trust is delighted to start with Architect, Calum Maclean of MAAC Studio, who will present his lecture “Retrofit the North”. In addition to Advanced Conservation Accreditation with the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Calum is a Retrofit Coordinator, bringing two important approaches to buildings together.
Other speakers- Annie Robertson (National Trust for Scotland), Jonathan Christie (CEO- Cabrach Trust), Hans Norling (Masonry and Lime) and Dawn McDowell (Historic Environment Scotland)- will cover a range of subjects related to the historic built environment, which will have local and universal appeal to building professionals, traditional property owners and others interested in our built heritage.
The events, taking place on Wednesday evenings at 7pm from 9 February until 9 March 2022 are free to attend, with donations to the Trust welcomed.
Click here for further details of lectures and to book tickets via Eventbrite.